A Few More Halloween Pics and a Video

Halloween Night was extra fun this year because Ricky and I were able to go out together to take the little boys Trick ot Treating. Trent wasn't sure if he wanted to go out this year. I don't think he's too old to trick or treat, but most of his friends were staying home to pass out candy, so he agreed to do the same. Riley left early in the evening to go around with her friends. It's so nice that she has such sweet friends and that the neighborhood is safe enough that we feel OK letting her go. I didn't take any pictures of all five of them together. Between making sure they all got something healthy and warm in their tummies (this year it was taco soup) and making sure that everyone had their bag, costume, etc., I didn't get as many pictures as I would have liked.

I did get this cute one of two of my boys. I put it in my last post, but I'm posting it again - just because I like it. "Chocolate Thunda" is a reference to the "Cat in the Hat" movie with Mike Myers. No, it's not anything gross. It's just another name they give Thing 2. We started calling my niece, Hayden "Chocolate Thunda" several years ago, but it definitely fits Gavin, too.

One of Gavin's favorite words is "debo." Directly translated it means "doorbell." He also uses it to refer to Trent's friend, Jack, who rings our "debo" every morning at exactly 7:25 to pick up Trent to walk to the bus. While we were trick or treating, Gavin insisted on ringing the "debo" at every house. Take a look:

After a couple of streets, Gavin was finished so we went home and he and Ricky stayed to pass out candy and Trent joined us for the rest of the night. We picked up Corrine M. along the way and we had a rainy blast. I was surprised at how well Lance kept up with his older brothers. Here are a couple more pictures of them with their stash. Check out Ricky on the couch behind Brant. He was all tuckered out. Just kidding. They were watching a cool show about ghosts or vampires or something.


annie said…
Something must be wrong with blogger. It keeps deleting all of your posts. Eveytime I check your blog, all I see is this one. Weird! I have also been wondering who is that little Latino kid Ricky is holding in the first picture?