Starting Them Early

Here's Gavin doing his chores. Everyone has pitched in to get the house nice and clean so we can have fun today. We're meeting the Parkes at Boondocks. We are SO excited that they are here visiting from AL. Can't wait. I'll definitely post pictures from today and all the other fun we've been having with the Emmertsons.

In the meantime, it's never too early:


Susan said…
That is too cute! I'm thinking I should have started much earlier with my two=) Give the Parkes a hug for us - we miss them sooo much but we're happy they're having such a good time!!
Ann said…
Make sure Annie knows that Bryan was at church Sunday WITH the broken leg so the Emmertson bench was safe! I think Gavin needs to teach Alan how to clean a room.

Ann B
Andrea said…
Gavin is too cute! What a great helper!
Ariel vacuumed the other day and when she was done, I came to inspect (I was cleaning the bathrooms--now that's fun). I think she just turned on the vacuum and sat down because you could totally tell nothing had been done, but I did hear it going. Needless to say, she had to start over.
A few weeks ago, I read an article at LDS living that said when you start your children on chores or anything new you should go into it like any "new job" and have a training period for the child. I think I might use this as one of my training videos!
Andrea said…
This is Ariel: Gavin is one SMART baby. He is cute!
Sherian said…
That is too funny! Would you send him over to my house?...I could really use his help!