Joyous. Delicious. COLD.

Three words to descibe the last week and a half.

Christmas Vacation started an hour early this year when the Elementary School declared an early-out before an impending snowstorm. And snow it did... just in time for our Alabama Christmas visitors. The Spyrkas (Ricky's sister, Angela, her husband,Tim, and their two little cuties, Maddie and Aidan) arrived the next day and Grandma came Monday night. Angela said that when they left Mobile on Friday, it was 78!!! degrees. Within a few hours they were treated to below-freezing temperatures. I don't think that was their favorite part of the trip.

We were so excited to have them come and thankful to them for making the trip. It's hard to describe the anticipation we felt as we waited for Christmas AND Family. Our time with them was joyous. Maddie and Aidan are adorable and so, so, so sweet.

On Tuesday, Angela, Tim, Ricky and I went skiing at Brighton while Grandma stayed home with all the kids. I know I already said this, but THANKS, Grandma, for putting up with the craziness! We had a blast, even though it was freezing!

On Christmas Eve, we braved the crowds and went to see the lights at Temple Square. I think that might be the best time to go. Temple Square is such a special place and to be there on the eve of the day that we celebrate our Savior's birth was especially meaningful. The lights were beautiful and we enjoyed the Nativity and the audio presentaion of Luke 2 and President Hinckley's testimony. Thankfully, the Joseph Smith Memorial Building was still open, providing much-needed relief from the cold.

Here are the kids on Temple Square:

And the Spyrkas:

Pretty Mom, Daughter and Grand-daughter:


And Gavin sitting at the feet of the Prophet Joseph Smith:

After our trip to Temple Square, we feasted on Tacos until it was time for the much-anticipated opening of one Christmas Eve present.

I'll save Christmas Day for another post, but until then...we'd like to order Christmas for 12, please!


Ann said…
I have missed your posting. It looks like you all had a wonderful Christmas. I wish we could have seen Temple Square! It must have been magical.

Ann Beck